Wednesday, 19 December 2012

'Dark Knight Rises' BBFC Classification Controversy

Before the theatrical release of 'The Dark Knight Rises', the film had to have 34 seconds cut from the film to bring it down to a 12A Classification. This is because these scenes where of a violent nature, and deemed unsuitable for family audiences that the film would have been targetted at if it was to be released as 12A with no cuts.

The BBFC states that 12A rated films can contain 'moderate violence' and should be no emphisis on blood or injuries but only if it is in context, not for presenting sadism. Because if this, 34 seconds of the original version had to be cut because it didn't follow these guidlines.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 was coined in 1999 to describe websites that use technology beyond the pages earlier websites. Although Web 2.0 suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not to refer to any recent technological update or specification but rather to the cumulative changes to the ways End-users and Software Developers use the Web.

A 'Web 2.0' site may allow users to interact and communicate with each other in 'social media dialogue' as the creaters of UGC (User Generated Content). Examples of Web 2.0 sites are:

  • Social Networking Sites
  • Blogs
  • Wikis
  • Video Sharing Sites
  • Hosted Services
  • Web Applications
  • Mashups
  • Folksonomies (Creating and managing tags to annotate and catorgorize content)
The term 'Web 2.0' has undergone criticism as it does not represent a new version of World Wide Web, but continues to use the same technologies and constructs from 'Web 1.0'. For example, HTML is still being used to create webpages, but languages such as AJAX add an additional 'layer' on top of them.